Miss A letter to Santa...

Dear Santa,

I would like a pretty doll with a pink dress please and I have been a good girl.

I would like you to bring me a purple handball.

Santa, please may I have a lovely dress with crystals on it please.

Santa, I would like a new crown for me please, with pink and purple.

Santa, I would like a new shiny hula hoop please and a new handbag with butterfly's on it.

Santa, I would like a new Barbie please.

Santa, please can I have a new pony....a flying pony please.

Santa, please can I have my own little fairyland?

Please can I have new sparkly shoes?

Please can I have a smurfette house?

Please can I have a garden smurf house?

Please can I have a candy cane for me at Christmas time?

Thank you Santa,
Lots of love,
Anabelle xxx